Monday Market Report – Home Sales in Orlando “Skyrocket” and Hit Record High!

skyrocketIf you follow me on social media you may have seen my recent post about the number of sales in Orlando.  The home sales in Orlando hit a record high in June with almost 3500 home sales!  The number of home sales for June 2015 “skyrocketed” to the highest number of sales recorded since the Orlando Regional Realtor Association started recording these numbers!

That means that homes are selling at great rates and people are buying.  Due to that heavy demand of buyers the prices have also risen 8% and the month of inventory available is at about 3.5.  This is considered a sellers market, but the number of listings did go up 2% as well.   We have had 5 consecutive months of listing increases, so have no fear if you’re buying there are more options coming soon!

If you are thinking of selling, now is the time to list!  See my other post with the Top 7 Reasons why it’s a great time to be a home seller

If you are hoping to buy a home, the competition is thick but you can still get a great deal because the interest rates were only 4.08% on average in June!  They have been at these low rates for so long I think people take for granted how amazing that interest rate really is.

What are you waiting for?  It’s a great time to move up, stop renting, or relocate.  Call us today for all of your residential real estate needs 407-494-2820 or email me

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